10 Tips for Artists to Land More Commissioned Work

The “starving artist” stereotype is perpetuated for a reason- simply having talent in art is not enough to guarantee professional success.

Unlike other careers, there is not a clear career path for artists, and the demand for your work can be unpredictable. To be successful in this field, artists must approach their craft as a business and actively seek out commission work. In this article, we’ll provide you ten tips to help you land more commission work:

  1. Build a strong online presence…

    A potential client’s first impression of you will most likely be through your portfolio, website and Instagram account.

    Make sure your online presence is top-notch, with a visually appealing Instagram profile and easy-to-find website and contact information, and clearly state that you accept commissions.

  2. Do cold outreach to potential clients…

    Cold calls may not be the most exciting aspect of self-promotion, but they are a proven method of making new connections and a successful strategy in sales, and the same holds true for artists.

    Reach out to potential clients with a personalized intro email and a PDF of your portfolio.

  3. Connect with local galleries…

    Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you, take initiative and get in touch with local galleries to let them know you’re interested in showcasing your work.

    The more your art is out there, the better your chances of landing a commission.

  4. UtiliSe media and podcasts…

    Reach out to local media outlets and podcasts to promote your art and story.

    Podcasts about art and culture can provide great exposure and opportunities to network.

  5. Attend Art Gallery Openings…

    If a gallery is showcasing your work, attend the opening and network with those who attend.

    Chances are everyone who shows up is interested in art, and some could be potential clients for you.

  6. Build relationships with art supporters…

    When you sell a piece of art, take the opportunity to get to know the buyer as they might become a collector of your work.

    Utilize a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage relationships and grow your network, and sign your artwork for businesses with your social media handle and share high-quality photos with your social media audience to increase visibility.

  7. Apply for grants and volunteer for art organiSations…

    Participating in grants for cultural enrichment and volunteering for art-promoting organisations can be an excellent way to network and gain support.

    By doing so, you can meet potential clients and broaden the reach of your artwork.

  8. Patience and flexibility is key with clients…

    It’s important to be flexible and understanding of the challenges that may arise when working with clients on a project.

    Maintaining patience and an open-minded approach can help you navigate any changes in priorities or conflicts that may arise, and this approach will not only ensure a successful outcome for the project but also strengthen the relationship with your client.

  9. Always go above and beyond…

    Your clients’ experience with you is crucial to your success as an artist.

    By providing exceptional service, you increase the chances of building long-lasting relationships with clients and gaining referrals.

  10. Work within the client’s budget…

    If the client’s desired outcome doesn’t align with their budget, be creative in proposing solutions that work for both parties.

    This could involve exploring alternative designs, materials, or production methods. Showing that you’re willing to work within their budget and find a mutually beneficial solution will make a client feel heard and valued, making it more likely to return to you for future projects and recommend your services to others.


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