Jane Bain | Studio 10

Inspired by all around her, Jane's work is an eclectic mix of birds, fruit and memories. From her London garden with its birds, insects and plants; produce from local farmers markets and supermarkets; china cups, ginger jars and an array curios collected over the years; these are the things that shape her work.

Growing up in South West London, where she still lives, Jane studied at Wimbledon Art School and the London College of Printing, graduating in graphic design. Moving to Hong Kong and then Singapore propelled her journey into painting. She created oversized 'portraits' using pears as her models, drawn to their figure-like shape; she examined the detail of unopened lilies and all their promise to come; and she explored the curiosity and cheekiness of birds as they consider their surroundings. The fascination was in portraying the character behind each subject as much as the light and space around them.

Returning to the UK, Jane moved her studio to Wimbledon Art Studios, where, by chance, she was introduced to screen printing, a medium that appealed to her love of design. She was hooked and now combines screen printing and painting by creating variable mono prints, where paint is applied directly onto the screen, producing a unique variant of the print each time.

The artwork for Jane’s designs are mainly drawn by hand, using pen and ink or wax crayon. For larger areas of colour, paper is cut to create the desired shapes. She loves the unpredictable nature of a line when drawn with a nib, and the texture delivered by a crayon in contrast to a flat area of colour. Her work is defined as much by the layering of colours and textures, as by the illustrative content of the artwork itself. 

From prints, to greeting cards, calendars and even textiles, Jane produces small print editions in order to keep her work, like many of her subjects, fresh and interesting.

Jane teaches one to one or holds small group screen printing workshops and teaches general art.