Nephthys Foster | Studio 508

Nephthys Foster, a London-based self-taught illustrator, specializes in designing vibrant, bold prints that serve as a tribute to life's often-overlooked moments of joy. Embracing the simplicity of existence, she encourages others to do the same. Her journey into the art world began unexpectedly in 2018 during a delay at an airport, sparking a newfound passion for drawing that has since evolved into a career. Initially drawn to digital art, she has now transitioned to painting with acrylics. Her work can now be found on the shelves of various independent home and fashion retailers across the UK, France, Amsterdam, Portugal, and Brazil.

"My art celebrates the little joys in life – those moments that often go unnoticed but hold immense significance for our happiness. It's a reminder not to take life too seriously and to cherish the simplicity and laughter found in those tiny moments." - Nephthys