Half | Maria Rogers
Artist: Maria Rogers
H: 65cm | W: 40cm | D: 5cm
A 65×40×5cm oil painting celebrating the shape of the common pear in a quirky, amusing style. This work is a continuation of my interest in shape, colour, and exploring the idea of minimalism.
It is signed and dated on the reverse and ready to hang.
Delivery may include additional charges. Please contact the artist to arrange it directly.
Artist: Maria Rogers
H: 65cm | W: 40cm | D: 5cm
A 65×40×5cm oil painting celebrating the shape of the common pear in a quirky, amusing style. This work is a continuation of my interest in shape, colour, and exploring the idea of minimalism.
It is signed and dated on the reverse and ready to hang.
Delivery may include additional charges. Please contact the artist to arrange it directly.
Artist: Maria Rogers
H: 65cm | W: 40cm | D: 5cm
A 65×40×5cm oil painting celebrating the shape of the common pear in a quirky, amusing style. This work is a continuation of my interest in shape, colour, and exploring the idea of minimalism.
It is signed and dated on the reverse and ready to hang.
Delivery may include additional charges. Please contact the artist to arrange it directly.